Striped Read online

Page 6

  It would take less than a half hour to pack up his stuff, shut off the utilities and leave. If he stayed, if he put down roots, it would be a lot harder to transplant himself somewhere else.

  With a frustrated exhale, he pulled on his jeans and grabbed his cigarettes. He didn’t need to decide right now. But he did need to decide.

  Chapter Eleven

  A week went by, and the phone never rang once. Mitchell saw this as both positive and negative. No one was calling to complain about Sean chasing anyone down, and that was great. But it also meant he wasn’t calling.

  “Staring at it won’t make it ring,” Jason advised one morning as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

  Mitchell turned away from the phone with an exasperated exhale. “You’re not concerned at all? You don’t even want to call and check to make sure he hasn’t packed up and moved out?”

  “You know he didn’t. If he had, he would have dropped off the keys.”

  Damn him. He was right. Mitchell went to the refrigerator and scowled into it. He straightened, closed the door, and shuffled to the island, where he sat down with a heavy sigh.

  “Not cute,” Jason warned as he stirred sugar into his coffee. “You can’t call him.”

  “I called you,” Mitchell reminded him. He’d called him, dropped by his work, generally made a nuisance of himself. But Jason was right. Sean wouldn’t find Mitchell’s persistence amusing, he’d find it threatening. Before Jason could argue, he held up his hands. “I know, I know.”

  “He’ll come around. Or he won’t. But as long as he’s behaving himself, does it matter?”

  Did it matter? Mitchell didn’t want it to. He wanted to go back to being perfectly happy with their life. “It shouldn’t.”

  “But it does.” Jason leaned on the counter, sliding a mug of black coffee to Mitchell. “You like him.”

  Mitchell put his hand out to take Jason’s. “I like him. But I love you.”

  Jason shrugged. “I don’t know how well it would work, to be honest. But I’m not averse to trying. It seems that Sean isn’t interested, so…maybe channel your unrequited like into something constructive. Like cleaning out the gutters.”

  If there was one thing Jason was good at, it was perspective. Mitchell sipped his coffee, trying to wiggle out of that perspective with some very careful justification. “Fine. You want to come with?”

  “To the roof?” Jason raised his glass in a mock toast. “It’s all yours.”

  “If I’m going to clean the gutters, I need to pick up a new pair of gloves. I tore a hole in my good pair. Building the koi pond for some pain in the ass tiger.” Mitchell raised his glass in a similar salute, before taking a drink. “And he hasn’t even eaten the koi.”

  “I ate a few,” Jason said defensively. He looked longingly out the kitchen window, at the cool water flowing down the ornamental waterfall. “We need to build ourselves a habitat like the one Sigfreid and Roy’s tigers have in Vegas.”

  “They’re not shifters,” Mitchell reminded him, then paused. “Not all of them. But if you want me to pick up some mosaic tiles, I’m going to have drive all the way to Marquette.”

  Jason scooped the keys off the counter by the door and tossed them to Mitchell. “Don’t drive to Marquette. And behave.”

  He has to know, Mitchell reasoned as he backed the car around and pulled down the driveway. There was no way Jason would believe that he planned on just visiting the hardware store. He did, because he did need gloves. But while he browsed the aisles, he thought of some of the other things that needed doing. Specifically, that when they’d gone over to Sean’s cabin, one of the outlets in the kitchen had a cracked face plate. He picked one up, along with the new gloves, and jumped into the car for the ride back from Munising to Gwinn Close. He could stop along the way and fix the outlet.

  Though he had agreed with Jason that Sean wouldn’t have left without giving them notice, Mitchell was still relieved to see Sean’s truck parked in the driveway. The cabin’s inside door was open, to let the breeze in, and Mitchell rapped lightly on the aluminum frame. He didn’t want to be a peeping tom, but he did glance through the screen to look for movement. Sean sat up on the bed, startled awake.

  “It’s just me,” Mitchell called to him. He’d learned that when he had first moved to the UP. If you caught someone by surprise, you’d better identify yourself quick. “I came to fix your outlet.”

  Sean stumbled through the living area. Sleep clouded his eyes and he looked as though he struggled to focus. His expression changed from a disturbed sleeper to that of a pissed-off disturbed sleeper. “I didn’t call you about a broken outlet.”

  “I noticed it last week when we were here. It’s in the kitchen.” Mitchell held up the hardware store bag like it was a badge. Great job, you’re really proving that you didn’t come here to see him.

  “You’re here because I haven’t called you in a week. That’s some weird, girl shit. I don’t want to be in a relationship with a girl, or else I wouldn’t be gay.” He moved to close the inner door.

  “Wait.” Mitchell’s embarrassment had just about reached its zenith. It was time to just let it all out on the line. “Jason told me that when he came to see you, you had some…concerns. I’ve been thinking about you. We both have. Look, I don’t want to do this through the door.”

  Sean stepped back and gestured with an outstretched arm. Mitchell hesitated a second before he opened the door and stepped through. There was no better way to broach the subject. “I’m not trying to brainwash you or control you. That isn’t what this is about.”

  “Then what is it about?” Sean scratched the back of his head. “I see what you and Jason have. And it’s great. I would love to have that. But I’m not like you two.”

  “You’re exactly like us.” Sometimes, his direct approach got him into trouble. Mitchell prayed it wouldn’t be the case this time.

  With a dismayed smile and a groan, Sean shook his head. “Don’t make this into more than it is. It was fun. I’d even consider doing it again sometime. But don’t make it into something it’s not.”

  “Like what? Like we really like you and would love to spend more time with you? Or like some weird cult thing where I force you to change your life completely and want things you don’t really want? Because I don’t have those kinds of powers, Sean. I’m only a shifter. Jason is only a shifter. We weren’t looking to add a third to our relationship. But we met you. And we really like you. And we’d like to at least try to make a go at…something.”

  That was too much. Mitchell could tell by the hard look that crept into Sean’s eyes.

  Any trace of civility was gone, and Mitchell saw more of Sean’s tiger than he had even when Jason was in animal form. He didn’t move, but his anger filled up the room. “I said I would have sex with you guys. Not change my entire life and become a part of your relationship. It’s not fair to change things now.”

  “You don’t seem like the kind of person who tolerates change very well.” Mitchell wasn’t put off by the younger man’s anger. “So I wonder…why do you seek it out?”

  “I don’t,” Sean snapped. “I’m not afraid of change, I’m afraid of permanence. I don’t want to be stuck. I don’t want people to start caring about me, because then I have to stick around.”

  “No you don’t. You’re the master of your destiny. Even if you ran out tomorrow and married some woman and had six kids, you could still leave her. No one would be able to stop you, if that’s what you wanted to do,” Mitchell explained calmly. “You’re not worried about being stuck. You’re worried about caring for anybody, because you know they could make that same decision to leave. You’re afraid you’re not going to be the one to do it first.”

  Sean stared at him, looking as though he were torn between calling Mitchell a liar or just punching him out.

  Mitchell didn’t back down. “If you’re pissed right now, it’s because you’re angry that it’s true. Most people don’t like to hear the tru

  Tears rose in Sean’s eyes, tears that he hastily blinked away. In seconds, he’d composed himself. A sign that he did it often.

  “You don’t have to be ashamed,” Mitchell said gently. “And if things don’t work out here, and you want to leave, I’m not going to tell you to stay. But at least give yourself a chance. If not a chance to try and be with us, then at least a chance to fit in here.”

  “I think I messed too much stuff up around here already,” Sean confessed. He laughed and shook his head. “I’m a mess.”

  “So was I, once. So was Jason. I don’t know what got you so spooked. I thought we were all getting along.”

  “Yeah, we got along, all right.” A grin crept over his face. “Hey, will you do something for me?”

  Mitchell raised an eyebrow. Whatever it was he asked, he knew he’d almost have to do it. That lopsided smile and those big brown eyes were enough to blow apart his resolve. “I guess you’ve been good lately. We haven’t heard any complaints. What do you want?”

  Sean sucked his lower lip into his mouth to wet it. “Let me chase you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  For a moment, Mitchell hesitated, and Sean stood waiting, feeling kind of stupid. But wasn’t this what Jason had been trying to tell him? To just let go, let his nature out, but in a safe way? He wouldn’t be able to hurt Mitchell, or even frighten him. It didn’t seem like Mitchell was afraid of anything.

  Mitchell stripped his t-shirt off slowly. “You won’t be able to keep up.”

  “I’ll take my chances.” Sean stepped outside, shucking his briefs. He didn’t wait for Mitchell to change before he shifted.

  Mitchell took off at a jog, turning backwards to call, “I never said I was going to change.”

  Sean hesitated. Was it a test? See if he could resist chasing after an innocent human being and blowing everybody’s cover? Or was it something else?

  “Are you going to chase me or what?” Mitchell shouted, stopping in his tracks.

  Why the hell not? Sean took off after him. If it was a test, fine, he would fail it. It would be worth it to knock Mitchell down, to surprise him.

  To dominate him.

  Sean was on him before he could even reach the tree line. He knocked him to the grass with one paw, then stood over him, a low growl rumbling in his throat.

  Wheezing a little, Mitchell panted, “See? I’m totally out of shape for running. Asthma, allergies. Never been good at it. You only became submissive to me because you choose to.”

  Sean shifted, still kneeling over him. “That’s not what I’m afraid of.”

  “Then what are you afraid of?” Mitchell reached up and laid his hand against Sean’s cheek.

  The tender touch seized something inside of Sean, and he lowered his mouth to Mitchell’s soft lips. “I’m afraid of wanting this.”

  For someone who claimed to be out of shape, Mitchell managed to flip Sean effortlessly, sliding their mouths together.

  A blur of black stripes and orange fur knocked Mitchell aside. A moment after the collision, Jason shifted, with Mitchell pinned beneath him. “I knew it! You came over here, because you can’t leave well-enough alone.”

  “Guilty,” Sean confessed. “But I didn’t ruin anything, did I, Mitchell?”

  “Except for that pair of jeans,” Jason observed as he stood and glared down at Mitchell’s torn knee. In the morning sun, Jason was gorgeous and naked, his cock fully erect.

  “See something you liked?” Sean asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yeah, I saw two hot guys practically fucking right out on the lawn in front of God and everybody.”

  Mitchell got to his feet. “So, you’re saying we should go inside, then?”

  Jason shifted back, and Sean took a chance and followed his lead. Immediately, Jason lunged for him. In a flash, three tigers jostled and snapped at each other all the way to the house. When they reached the door, they shifted, but the playful nips and shoves didn’t stop. They made it to the bed before Mitchell asked, “Do you have any condoms? Lube?”

  Damn. “I don’t,” Sean groaned.

  “We could head back to our place,” Jason suggested.

  “Unacceptable,” Sean stated firmly. He waited to see the shock on their faces before he continued. “I’m in a dangerous mindset right now. I’m ready to maul someone, and not necessarily sexually. I think I need to be disciplined.”

  “And how do you propose we do that?” Mitchell asked cautiously.

  “I think I need to suck Jason’s cock,” Sean responded, reaching down and grasping it. Jason took a long breath that Mitchell mirrored when he finished, “while you spank me.”

  Mitchell looked from Sean to Jason and back. “Fine. Get on the bed, both of you.”

  Jason lay down, arms and legs akimbo, his magnificent cock flat against his stomach. Sean knelt between his legs and leaned down, pressing kisses to Jason’s hip, his stomach, nibbling a path to his penis. Sean teased Jason, coming closer to Jason’s straining erection, so close it would twitch at Sean’s exhalations. Then Sean would move elsewhere, to Jason’s ear or nipples, and repeated the downward path again. Jason twisted and grimaced, rocking his hips.

  “I think he’s ready for it, Sean.” Mitchell said finally, a note of amusement in his voice. “Jason, I think I might have a new favorite game.”

  “A new favorite torture,” Jason said, then seized Sean’s head by the ears. “You heard the man.”

  The teasing he’d put Jason through had affected Sean, as well, and greatly. His own cock throbbed as he slid his tongue around Jason’s shaft. He’d barely closed his lips around the head when the first, startling slap of Mitchell’s hand hit his ass.

  “Oh, fuck, that’s hot,” Jason laughed. There was an edge of desperation to his voice, and he bucked his hips, pushing more of his cock into Sean’s mouth.

  Even without the slow buildup, Sean ached for orgasm. He’d done nothing but fantasize about their first encounter since it had happened. The possibility of it happening again had figured into his decision to stay, somewhat. But more than the sex, Sean wanted the feeling of belonging to them. Though something inside would always rebel at the thought, he wanted these men to want him.

  Another sharp crack of flesh against flesh, and Sean whimpered. He ground himself against the sheets as Mitchell soothed the hot welt left by his own hand, smoothing his palm over it in light circles. Then, without warning, another slap, and Sean thought he might come right then.

  Jason thrust against Sean’s mouth, gagging him, and Sean gripped Jason’s hips, pulling him forward. He would take it all, anything Jason had to give him. He wanted to suck him off, fantasized about a time when he could bring him to orgasm with no barriers between them and swallow every drop. He channeled that desire into the pleasure he so desperately wanted to give Jason, and Mitchell; though he wasn’t touching him, Sean knew that watching another man suck Jason was incredibly arousing to Mitchell. The memory of how Mitchell had pounded into him on the swing, while Sean had devoured Jason, was proof enough of how erotic the sight was to Mitchell.

  Breathing hard, Mitchell leaned over Sean. His erect penis rubbed Sean’s raw, sensitive backside. “When I get you home, I’m going to fuck you until you scream.”

  “And you’re going to fuck me,” Jason groaned to Sean.

  “But not until you get the punishment you asked for,” Mitchell said, stepping back to deliver another series of sharp spanks. Sean rocked into each blow, still sucking Jason as Mitchell’s hand left sharp, tender places all over his ass, but still, he wanted more.

  “It’s not enough,” Sean complained as another stinging slap rained down on his backside.

  “I told you, I don’t have anything with me,” Mitchell reminded him.

  “My belt. Over there. Please,” was all Sean managed to get out through his clenched teeth. He needed this, and badly.

  Mitchell made a low whistle. “Are you sure?”

  “Please,” Sean begged, finger
s digging into Jason’s ass as he clung to him. Jason reached down and pushed his cock back into Sean’s mouth, and Sean almost choked as Jason pushed the length of it into his throat, slowly fucking him.

  Behind him, Sean heard Mitchell lifting up the jeans and disentangling the leather belt from its loops. There was a long, terrible silence, broken only by the sound of Mitchell testing the crack of the leather against itself.

  Then, the first blow landed.

  Sean squeezed his eyes shut, concentrating on the cock in his mouth. His tongue, trapped beneath Jason’s thick shaft, could do little more than writhe in a futile attempt to pleasure him, but Sean tried anyway. He flexed his throat, swallowing to take in all of Jason, right to the very base.

  The leather cracked again, laying a stinging stripe over Sean’s back. He grunted and thrust his hips against the bed.

  “You like that?” Jason asked through panting breaths.

  Sean tried to nod as best as he could, and Jason threaded his fingers through Sean’s hair, close to his scalp. He tugged in a gentle rhythm to match the pace of his cock gliding in and out of Sean’s lips.

  The belt cracked over Sean’s shoulders, then his ass, never landing the same place twice. In the moments between strikes, he dreaded the coming pain, but when he felt it, it was like...

  Coming home.

  Jason had been completely right. Sean couldn’t possibly fake his submission. He needed to want it. Needed to yearn for it, body and soul. He wanted these men, wanted them enough to forsake the wildness of his tiger nature.

  He kept up his rhythm of sucking and flexing with his mouth and tongue, until Jason’s hips rose off the bed and he pulled himself free of Sean’s mouth. He stroked himself as he came, silver-white jets hitting his chest. The sight of Jason’s awesome climax, coupled with the fall of the belt across his back, was enough to send Sean over the edge. He ground his cock against the bed as he came.